Hello, I’m Marguerite!
I use the beautiful wooden presses my husband made for me to press flowers, leaves – and all plant parts so I can make my pressed plant art. I am fascinated with the exquisite details of plants and often de-construct flowers to their component parts before pressing them. Once they are totally dry (this can take several weeks or months) I re-construct them into designs that I hope inspire viewers to take a closer look.
We see fresh flowers and plants in three dimensions, and they are so beautiful! The pressing and drying process brings the viewer to two dimensions and can give an entirely different perspective of the magnificent details of plant material. It is deeply satisfying to see the process of fresh, to dried and pressed, to art that is enjoyed by others.
I love to grow my plants from seed, and it never, ever fails to give me great joy to see the process of seed to flowering to fruiting plant. I also harvest plant material along the New England countryside and from the gardens of generous friends. All of my cards and prints are made from high-resolution digital scans of real plant material. I live in the very pretty town of Wethersfield, CT and create my artwork in my home studio.
Fun fact: I used to think my name was too long – ten letters! I’ve grown to like it because it means “daisy” which suits me just fine.
I welcome comments and suggestions. You can find more of my work on Instagram and Facebook @thefloweredpress.
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